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Transferring ERC-20 tokens like GHO

The erc20Transfer data slice provides a re-usable Alpine.js data slice to facilitate the transfer of ERC20 tokens from the current user’s wallet to another Ethereum address. Developers can use this data slice by adding x-data='erc20Transfer' to the DOM node and its descendants.

Data Slice Structure

The erc20Transfer data slice provides the following properties:


  • Type: String
  • Description: Represents the status of the contract write request. Can be 'idle', 'signaturePending', 'transactionPending', 'transactionSuccessful', or 'error'. Defaults to 'idle'.


  • Type: Any
  • Description: Hash of the transaction. Defaults to undefined and is defined within the transferTokens function.


  • Type: Object or Undefined
  • Description: ERC20 token information to transfer. Defaults to undefined. Set or update it in the markup with x-bind, x-init, or x-data.


  • Type: Number
  • Description: Amount of ERC20 tokens to transfer. Defaults to 0. Set or update it in the markup with x-bind, x-init, or x-data.


  • Type: Undefined or String
  • Description: Ethereum address to which ERC20 tokens must be sent. Defaults to undefined. Set or update it in the markup with x-bind, x-init, or x-data.


The erc20Transfer data slice provides the following method:

transferTokens(args: { token?: { UNDERLYING: string; decimals: number }; amount?: number; recipientAddress: string }): Promise<void>

This method allows users to send ERC20 tokens to another Ethereum address using the ERC20 transfer() method. It handles the entire process, including signature generation and transaction execution.


  • token: (Optional) ERC20 token information, including UNDERLYING address and decimals.
  • amount: (Optional) Amount of ERC20 tokens to transfer.
  • recipientAddress: Ethereum address to receive the ERC20 tokens.


  • A Promise that resolves when the transaction is successful and rejects on error.


To use the erc20Transfer data slice, add x-data='erc20Transfer' to the DOM node and its descendants. Use @click="transferTokens()" to trigger the transferTokens method.


The snippet below showcases a simple implementation of a “Pay” button.

<section x-data="{...erc20Transfer(), token: $aaveAssetBySymbol('GHO') }">
x-text="status === 'signaturePending' ? 'Sign transfer to continue' : status === 'transactionPending' ? 'Transferring...' : 'Pay ' + $formatERC20Balance(amount, 'GHO')"
x-data="{ amount: 0.5, sendTo: '0xe90406d09418C4EdBD7735c62F9FED7294954905'}"
:aria-disabled="['signaturePending','transactionPending'].includes(status) || $store.currentUser.assets.fetchStatus === 'pending' || parseFloat($store.currentUser.assets?.balances?.GHO?.formatted ?? 0) <= 0 ? true : false"
class="aria-[disabled='true']:opacity-50 aria-[disabled='true']:pointer-events-none"
@click="transferTokens({ token, amount, recipientAddress: sendTo})"
<template x-if="$store.currentUser.assets?.balances?.GHO?.formatted">
:class="$store.currentUser.assets?.balances?.GHO?.fetchStatus === 'refreshing' && 'animate-pulse'"
x-text="'Balance: ' + $formatERC20Balance($store.currentUser.assets?.balances?.GHO?.formatted, 'GHO')"
x-if="['pending', 'refreshing'].includes($store.currentUser.assets?.fetchStatus) || ($store.currentUser.assets?.balances?.GHO?.fetchStatus === 'pending' && !store.currentUser.assets?.balances?.GHO?.formatted)"
<p x-text="'Fetching GHO balance...'"></p>