Get any Ethereum address's Aave portfolio data
The walletAavePortfolio
data slice provides a re-usable Alpine.js data slice for fetching both Aave market data and a given wallet address’s portfolio on Aave.
Data Slice Structure
- Type: String
- Description: Represents the status of the bundled read request. Can be
, or'success'
. Defaults to'idle'
- Type: ExtendedUserSummary | Undefined
- Description: Wallet address portfolio summary + Aave market data summary. Defaults to
and is updated by thegetSummary()
- Type: String | Undefined
- Description: Ethereum address to get the summary of. Defaults to
. Set or update it in the markup withx-bind
, orx-data
The walletAavePortfolio
data slice provides the following method:
getSummary(): Promise<void>
This method fetches market data + Aave portfolio for a given Ethereum address.
Put x-data='walletAavePortfolio'
to give the DOM node + its descendants access to this data slice.
- None
The snippet below showcases a simple implementation of a widget that displays the Aave portfolio of a given Ethereum address.
<div x-data="walletAavePortfolio" x-init="address = '0xE665CEf14cB016b37014D0BDEAB4A693c3F46Cc0'" x-effect="getSummary()"> <template x-if="fetchStatus === 'pending' "> <span x-text="'Loading ' + address + ' summary...'"></span> </template> <template x-if="fetchStatus === 'success' "> <article x-data="{ profile: address }"> <span x-text="'Summary for ' + profile"></span> <section> <h1>Net worth (in USD)</h1> <p x-text="$formatNumber(summary.netWorthUSD, { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD', })"></p> </section> <section> <h1>Total collateral value (in USD)</h1> <p x-text="$formatNumber(summary.totalCollateralUSD, { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD'})"></p> </section> <section> <h1>Total amount available to borrow (in USD)</h1> <p x-text="$formatNumber(summary.availableBorrowsUSD, { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD'})"></p> </section> <section> <h1>Current health factor</h1> <p x-text="$formatNumber(summary.healthFactor)"></p> </section>
<section> <h1>Collateral usage</h1> <p x-text="$formatNumber(summary.collateralUsage, { style: 'percent' })"></p> </section> <section> <h1>Supplying</h1> <ul x-data="{ positions: summary.userReservesData.filter(data => parseFloat(data.underlyingBalanceUSD) > 0) }"> <template x-for="position in positions"> <li> <span x-text="$formatERC20Balance(position.underlyingBalance, position.reserve.symbol)"></span> </li> <span x-text="'(' + $formatNumber(position.underlyingBalanceUSD, { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }) +')'" ></span> </template> </ul> </section> </article> </template></div>