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Get the balance of a specific ERC-20 token for a specific Ethereum address

The erc20BalanceOf data slice provides a re-usable Alpine.js data slice for fetching the balance of a specific ERC20 token for a given Ethereum address.

Data Slice Structure


  • Type: String
  • Description: Represents the status of the read request. Can be 'idle', 'pending', or 'success'. Defaults to 'idle'.


  • Type: Undefined | { value: BigNumber; formatted: string }
  • Description: Balance of the ERC20 token for the given wallet address. Provides both the raw value and a formatted value. Defaults to undefined and is updated by the getTokenBalanceForAddress() method.


The erc20BalanceOf data slice provides the following method:

getTokenBalanceForAddress(args: { tokenAddress: string; tokenDecimal: number; walletAddress: string }): Promise<void>

This method fetches the balance of a given ERC20 token for a specific Ethereum address.


Put x-data='erc20BalanceOf' to give the DOM node + its descendants access to this data slice.


  • args.walletAddress: Ethereum address for which we want to get the balance of the given ERC20 token.
  • args.tokenDecimal: Number of decimals of the ERC20 token. Necessary to format the output.
  • args.tokenAddress: Contract address of the ERC20 token we want to get the balance of for the given Ethereum address.


The snippet below showcases a simple implementation of a widget that balance of every Aave featured ERC20 held by the Ethereum address 0xE665CEf14cB016b37014D0BDEAB4A693c3F46Cc0.

<template x-for="(value, index) in $aaveAssetsDictionary">
tokenAddress: value.UNDERLYING,
tokenDecimal: value.decimal,
walletAddress: '0xE665CEf14cB016b37014D0BDEAB4A693c3F46Cc0'
<template x-if="fetchStatus === 'pending'">
<span x-text="'Loading ' + index + ' balance for '+ walletAddress +' ...'"></span>
<template x-if="balance">
<span x-text="$formatERC20Balance(balance.formatted, index)"></span>